Have you ever stopped and wondered what your face wash is made of? Are the scientific names, hard to pronounce much less know what they mean, unless you have a scientific background helping or just making you sick in the long run? These and other questions should be a reason to educate yourself on the products lining up your bathroom cabinets.
You will be amazed of how much toxins and toxic products we are either inhaling, wearing and consuming in a daily basis. At the present you may not notice the damage you are being exposed to and most of the time what right now seems insignificant many years down the line may be too late to change or eliminate.
Our skin is the largest organ on our body and it's covered by pores that either let off toxins such as sweat, body odors, etc.. but it's also a large imported. Everything we put on our skin is absorbed through our pores, so it's very important to learn that whatever we have in our homes and in this case putting on our face, will one day retaliate with dry skin, wrinkles, sagging skin, blemishes to name some.
At Face Natural Beauty, we have made it a point or a mission to investigate and educate ourselves and our community, that the stuff they are using to "clean" their face it's microscopically adding damaging agents in the long run.