Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Protection From Skin Cancer With Self-Tanners

With the daily pressure of time management some people are opting for self tanners or tanning beds for a quick tanning before an event that would reveal more skin than usual.  No doubt that a bit more of color on your skin gives you a healthy look and glow but at what price?

We reached for a resourceful media in regards to some myths and truths about the protection a self-tanner may or may not give in respect to skin cancer.

Skin Cancer Myths and Facts 1-4

Myth: Self-tanner helps shield my skin from the sun.
Truth: Self-tanners do nothing more than stain the skin's top layer a bronze hue. In fact, a German study showed that self-tanners increase sun damage. If you expose yourself to the rays an hour or so after applying tanner, your skin may produce 180 percent more free radicals (unstable molecules that damage cells, potentially leading to skin cancer) than it would have had you not used the product, the study showed. This effect gradually lessens, so self-tan before bed.
For those that have experienced over tanning we highly recommend a product Pink Horizons Skin Care produced to help the skin heal and alleviate the damaged to the skin cells, Summer Solstice After Sun Care