Thursday, January 8, 2015

Skin Rejuvenation and Micro Needling:Collagen Induction Therapy

It is known that sun, skin disorders, aging and in some cases heredity can all contribute to skin irregularities on the face and elsewhere on the body. Some of the irregularities one may notice are things  like wrinkles and acne scars, pigmentation changes like freckles and sunspots, or visible blood vessels.

Some other conditions the skin may experience are things like the skin losing tonicity, firmness, and in other cases notice certain areas of the body that may develop cellulite conditions.

The following are some conditions that can be treated with Micro Needling ( also known as Collagen Induction Therapy) include:

  • Fixed wrinkles: These wrinkles are evident at all times and do not change in appearance with facial movements
  • Changing wrinkles: These are expression lines that may appear as folds when the skin is not moving, and deepen with facial movements or expressions
  • Pigmentation: These are dark patches on the skin as result of sun exposure, medications, freckles, sun spots.
  • Scars: The blisters are the result of acne or injury to the skin, scars may be rolling (a wavy appearance to the skin), pitted, discolored, or have raised borders.
  • Cutaneous vascular disorders: Blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin, vascular lesions that appear as tiny blood-filled blisters or even a constant flush of facial redness
  • Skin elasticy: This is the weakening of the supportive skin structures (collagen and elastin fibers) that result in a loss of skin firmness or the development of cellulite

Consider a non-invasive procedure that can improve and rejuvenate your visual skin and at the same time feel beautiful too!  For more information on the procedure please visit, Collagen Induction Therapy.